大学 graduates taking self-portrait together outdoors

Ways to save for college 和 the average costs

学习现在就开始为大学储蓄的方法,比如529,Coverdell & Uniform Gift to Minors as well as the average cost of college.

大学学位可以提供更多的终身收入和职业机会. 然而, 不管你处在人生的哪个阶段, 寻找和理解支付大学费用的方法可能会让人感到不知所措.

传统上,助学金、奖学金和储蓄是打开大学教育大门的途径. 斯塔福德贷款、珀金斯贷款和PLUS贷款可能会给家庭额外的灵活性. 虽然助学金和奖学金不需要偿还,但学生贷款需要偿还. One way to avoid taking out loans 和 remain debt-free is to start saving for college as early as possible. 这些积蓄可以来自父母、家人,也可以来自孩子为上大学而存的钱. 的 sooner you start, the more time your money will have to grow.

Here are some ways to help save 和 pay for higher education costs, of which most students use a combination of two or more. 我们还提供了大学费用的概览,以及收入潜力.



529个大学储蓄计划 are designed to encourage families to save for college. 第529节 of the Internal Revenue Code allows for qualified tuition programs; to help offset future college costs. 529 plans allow more significant contribution amounts than most other options 和 you maintain control of the assets. 根据教育数据.组织, 529计划的平均储蓄金额 is $26,783.

Contributions may qualify for an income tax deduction or credit. If you remove funds for qualified education expenses, contributions 和 earnings can be withdrawn tax free. 即使 child who has a 529 plan doesn’t go to college, the 529 plan can still be put to good use. 如果受益人没有上过大学或其他中等教育, 可以选择维持供款和收入的税务资格状态. Consult with your tax planning professional regarding your options.

Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA)

A Coverdell ESA 是否有一个信托或托管账户,允许你留出最多2美元,每年(从孩子出生到18岁生日),支付符合条件的教育费用. 账户里的资产必须在受益人30岁之前用完(只有少数例外)。, 但你仍然控制着账户.

看看如何 college saving options like Coverdell 和 529 plans compare.


这些 礼品保管账户 are designed to hold 和 protect assets for the benefit of a minor. 虽然联邦赠与税将适用于一定数额以上的捐款, 基本上没有 贡献限制. 资产可以在任何时间以任何理由用于指定受益人的利益,受益人在到期时(18至21岁)获得对资产的控制权, 取决于各州). Assets can be used for education expenses, but because assets are considered the income of the beneficiary, t在这里 may be a high impact on financial aid.



根据国家教育统计中心的最新一期(2020-21年), 85%的第一次, full-time undergraduate students at four-year institutions 接受经济援助. 请填写 Free Application for 联邦学生资助 (FAFSA),并与你所在机构的财务援助办公室讨论选择. Depending on your need, one aspect could be a campus 联邦工作研究 工作.


T在这里 are many types of scholarships available, 和 a student could benefit from doing some simple research. 奖学金 are either merit, financial-need or category based. You can find out more by talking to a high school counselor, the financial aid office at your chosen college or consulting the U.S. 劳工部的 免费奖学金搜索工具.


这些 loans typically offer both fixed 和 variable interest rates, 但还款选择就不那么灵活了. 阅读细则,包括还款水平是否与收入挂钩.


这些贷款可能比私人贷款更便宜,还款更灵活. 利率是固定的,这意味着它们在贷款期限内不会改变. 家长也可以选择,如本科学生家长贷款- 加上贷款.


根据美国.S. 42%的全日制学生和81%的非全日制学生 一年中至少有一段时间在工作 在2022年上大学时. 考虑向你的税务规划专家咨询一下是否有资格获得税收减免.


T在这里 are several financial aid offers available to people who are National Guard, veteran or active service members. Not only are the benefits extended to the person who enlisted, but some of the benefits can also carryover to their children.

  • 学费援助
  • 学费补助充值计划
  • 9/11后退伍军人法案
  • 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案-现役
  • 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案-精选预备役
  • 偿还贷款(LRP)
  • Survivors' 和 Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (DEA)
  • 勤工俭学
  • 辅导援助计划



Costs at a four-year college typically include tuition, 费用, 还有食宿, but also consider extra costs for books 和 other expenses. Some majors in the arts or sciences have added costs for supplies. 的 average costs provided below are from collegedata.com.

学杂费: Tuition is what colleges charge for instruction. 每所大学的学费差别很大, 和 are used to support things like libraries, athletic facilities or other campus clubs 和 organizations. 的 2022-2023 average cost for college tuition 和 费用 are:

  • 公立大学(州内):10,940美元
  • 公立大学(州外):28,240美元
  • 私立大学:39,400美元

食宿: 食宿的费用取决于学校和你选择的食物计划的类型. 的 average 2022-2023 costs for room 和 board are:

  • 公立大学:12310美元
  • 私立大学:$14,030

书籍及用品: 2022-2023年,公立和私立大学书籍和用品的平均费用为1美元,240.


学生贷款的数字因所上大学的类型而异, 但下面显示了一些平均值.

Lower your current debt 和 save more for college

托儿费用之间, 食物, 服装, 课程和偶尔的假期, many parents find saving for college challenging. 将一些 轻松偿还债务策略 能在很大程度上降低家庭债务,使家庭财务建立在一个更坚实的基础上吗.

我们希望这对你有所启发 你的孩子为上大学而存钱 -你会的 策划大学访问选择合适的大学 不知不觉中! And once your student has finished college, check out 快速偿还学生贷款的方法 以及免除公共服务贷款.

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在投资529计划之前, consider the plans investment objectives, 风险, 指控, 和费用. 请与计划发行者联系,以获得包含此信息和其他信息的官方声明. 仔细阅读.

投资者在投资前应考虑他们或其受益人所在的州是否提供任何州税或其他州福利,如经济援助, 奖学金基金, 债权人的保护只适用于投资于这样的州的合格学费计划,应该咨询他们的税务顾问, attorney 和/or other advisor regarding their specific legal, 投资或税务情况.

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给予教育作为礼物 with college savings plans




How to apply for college scholarships: It could save you money
